☞ Super~Good : Mixed

Your super good links for this week : A mixed bag of links on design, resources and interesting spaces online.

D : 06/05/2024
N : 0005

Welcome to the Super~Goods newsletter! I am thrilled to see so many new subscribers join this week. This week it’s another mixed bag of links and resources I hope you find useful, there is no particular theme to this just interesting spaces online, I wanted to share some sites on building for the web, and others that made me want to build on the web.

I thought it would be a good time to say a few things about the newsletter and give a few updates. V.01 of the site has had its fair share of challenges. The current setup uses Are.na as the backend from the Super~Goods channel (which you’re welcome to follow). One limitation has become clear: the lack of categories, tags and organisational tools which has made keeping things neat a bit tricky.

Looking ahead, I am excited to announce that over the coming weeks, I will be rolling out V.02. The focus will be twofold, enhancing the content structure on Are.na to serve more effectively as a content management system, and secondly, improving the website to make it an even better open-source resource that anyone can use or adapt. If you want to follow or have a say on how things develop, I will be sharing this on Threads and Instagram so see the links below. In the meantime, I will be sharing thoughts on the design, development and what Super~Goods should build into over the next few months, looking at ways to make it super good…

Super~Goods : Threads
Super~Goods : Instagram